A busy time of year: The Frankfurt Market team in action; carols at Birmingham Airport; and our Annual Commissioning Service
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Commissioning at Shirley Baptist Church
Great to attend Shirley Baptist Church’s morning service, where their Minister Matt Wilson commissioned Chris Jones as a Chaplain, and Dave Parsons as our IT Administrator. A great example of the partnership between our chaplains’ home churches and WWM.
Frankfurt Market
A special guest with a white beard joined the chaplaincy team
Birmingham Airport Carol Service
Brilliant carol service at the airport organised by the chaplaincy team. 50+ people participated and many more passengers and families joined in as they went past. Well done team! The special guest appeared here as well but seeme to have grown his beard on the journey from the Frankfurt Market!
Our Commissioning Service
WorkCare West Midlands first Commissioning Service. A good time to reflect on the past, particularly thanking those chaplains and trustees from the two previous chaplaincies. However, more than that, we looked forward to the years ahead.